And China's recent moves are less impressive when measured against a broad group of currencies, especially in Europe, China's No.1 trading partner. 而如果以人民币兑一篮子货币的升值幅度来衡量的话,人民币汇率近来的上扬就不那么显著了,这在人民币兑欧元汇率方面体现得尤其明显,而欧盟目前已是中国第一大贸易伙伴。
One the biggest brokers in US equity markets was reeling yesterday after Knight Capital Group revealed a$ 440m pre-tax loss from erroneous trading positions triggered by a software glitch that led to huge price swings in dozens of stocks. 美国股市上的最大经纪商之一昨日灰头土脸。KnightCapitalGroup透露,错误的交易头寸给其造成了4.4亿美元税前损失,原因是一个软件故障导致数十只股票出现巨大价格波动。
Ad Hoc Working Group on Trading Opportunities in the New International Trading Context 新的国际贸易形势下的贸易机会问题特设工作组
"Our company is a cross-regional, cross-trade and cross ownership ( group) corporation which integrates scientific research, manufacturing and trading efforts" 我公司是融科工贸于一体的跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的(集团)公司
Group of 14 Fair Trading Countries in Agriculture 公平农业贸易14国集团
In a sign of growing international acceptance of the Chinese currency, Sony, the Japanese consumer electronics group, announced on Tuesday that it had established a currency trading operation in Hong Kong. 国际上越来越愿意接受人民币的迹象之一是,日本消费电子集团索尼(Sony)周二宣布,已在香港成立外汇交易子公司。
Euronext was controlled from Paris at the time, and is now part of the New York-based NYSE Euronext group, but London has continued to benefit from increased trading volumes. 当时,泛欧交易所总部位于巴黎,如今是位于纽约的纽约证交所-泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的一部分,但伦敦则继续受益于不断增长的成交易。
Ahwg; ad Hoc Working Group on trading opportunities for developing countries; 发展中国家贸易机会问题特设工作组;
But aliko dangote, founder of the dangote group trading and manufacturing Empire, has postponed most of the projects in part because the global crisis has clouded the outlook for the construction sector. 不过,dangote集团贸易及制造业帝国的创始人alikodangote已推迟了大多数项目,这一定程度上由于全球危机令建筑业前景黯淡。
The Technology Group requested that Nasdaq halt trading in its stock while the company worked to "finalise the document". 这家科技企业请求纳斯达克(nasdaq)在公司尽力“最终完成文件”之际,暂停其股票的交易。
These two markets are incredibly important to us, said Mr Sands in an interview with the Financial Times as the group released its latest trading update. 这两个市场对我们来说无比重要,冼博德在该集团发布最新业绩之际接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示。
The group is drafting comments on implementation of the Volcker rule limiting proprietary trading in large banks, and trying to invent a structure for a new kind of mutual bank. 该团体正在对旨在限制大银行自营交易的沃尔克规则(volckerrule)的实行发表评论,并试图为一种新型互助银行创造出一种架构。
Shares in the group rose 28 per cent in their first day of trading a good result in most markets, but well below what had been expected by analysts. 中国铁建a股股价在上市首日上涨28%在多数市场,这是一个不错的成绩,但远远低于分析师的预期。
In a series of postings on its official Weibo account, Zenith accused Founder Group executives of financial crimes including insider trading, market manipulation and illegally selling state assets. 政泉控股在其官方微博(Weibo)账号上发表一系列帖子,指控方正集团高管们的行为构成金融犯罪,包括内幕交易、操纵市场和非法倒卖国有资产。
The largest American insurance company and one major retailing group have both acquired leading securities and commodities trading houses. 美国最大的保险公司和一家大型零售集团都收购了一些主要的证券和商品交易所。
The inflexionless, easy-to-learn pidgin language is a sort of linguistic variation purposefully created for the communication between one group and the other, usually for the sake of mutual trading. 没有屈折形态且学起来简单的“洋泾浜语”①,是一种因为对外贸易与交流需要而形成的语言变体或贸易语言。
The Bank Group can also support the public goods of resilient and dynamic trading and financial systems, based on multilateral rules. 世界银行集团还能在遵守多边规则的前提下,对动态灵活的贸易和金融系统等公益事业提供支持。
JPMorgan's investment bank, which saw the ousting of its co-head Bill Winters last month, accounted for more than half of group profits, driven by strong revenues in its fixed-income unit and other trading businesses. 受固定收入部门和其它交易业务收入强劲增长的推动,摩根大通的投行业务为整个集团贡献了一半以上的利润。上个月,其投行业务联席负责人比尔温特斯(BillWinters)刚刚被赶出公司。
Citi insiders dismiss calls to limit the group's activities in higher-risk areas such as proprietary trading, prime brokerage and derivatives, and its vast international business, as the self-serving desires of bitter rivals. 对于限制该集团在自营交易、大宗经纪和衍生品等较高风险领域的活动及其庞大国际业务的呼声,花旗内部人士拒绝加以考虑,认为这是死对头们自私自利的愿望。
The group plans to begin trading emissions credits later this year. 这个组织计划在今年晚些时候开始交易排放信用证。
Mr Huang, however, continues to control 34 per cent of Gome through two holding companies, Shining Crown Holdings and Shine Group, and his detention has not prevented him from trading and voting his shares. 但黄光裕通过ShiningCrownHoldings和ShineGroup两家控股公司,继续控制着国美的34%股权。而且身陷囹圄并未阻止黄光裕继续交易股票,并以他的持股进行投票。
Qingdao Marine Chemical Group Trading Service Company 青岛海洋化工集团劳动服务公司
From the perspective of new political economics, the competition model of interest group is constructed to analyze the formation of insider trading surveillance equilibrium and the influence effect of a change in the size of the interest groups. 构建一个利益集团间的竞争模型,可以用于分析内幕交易监管均衡的形成和均衡监管水平受利益集团成员规模变动的影响效应。
In order to Safeguard the trading order and the development of the securities market, Taiwan Stock Exchange set up a watching group in 1986 to investigate the abnormal trading. 为维护证券市场交易秩序,健全股市发展,台湾证券交易所于1986年设置监视小组,并针对股市异常交易情形进行调查追踪。
The results indicate that even if every investor is full rational, the herd behavior of investors may result in the bounded rationality of group trading. 研究结论表明,虽然每个投资者完全理性,但羊群行为可能导致投资者表现出群体的有限理性。
The connected transactions changes the market trade into the internal trade of company group, which can save the trade cost, reduce the indetermination of the trading process, be advantageous to get the maximum of the company profit and improve its compositive ability of market competition. 关联交易将市场交易转变为公司集团的内部交易,可以节约交易成本,减少交易过程中的不确定性,有利于实现公司利润的最大化,提高其整体的市场竞争能力。
According with the opening up of the securities market, the enhance of the control level of policy and the thinking ability of investment group, the forecast of stock price in the future before trading is becoming a conscious thinking. 随着国家对证券市场的开放,政策调控水平以及投资集团群体思维能力的提高,人们在交易行动之前对证券市场的未来加以预测也会成为一种自觉的思维活动。
With the widening the circulation of agricultural products, a group of brokers who began trading full time in cereals, at this time, the Northeast had a grain store. 随着农产物流通的日渐扩大,一批中间商人开始专职于粮谷的交易,就在此时,东北粮栈产生了。